2019 Resolutions
2019 Resolution Log2019-67 Approval of Revised Board Policy 4050.pdf2019-66 Appointment of Representative and Alternate for JPIA.pdf2019-64 Approval of Purchase of Two Replacement Trucks.pdf2019-63 NOC for 2018 Treated Water Line Replacement Project.pdf2019-62 Revised Leakage Consideration Policy.pdf2019-61 PSA with Western Hydrologics Consulting.pdf2019-60 Awarding Main Canal Lining.pdf2019-59 Approving Change Order Increasing $50000 for ALT.pdf2019-58 Authorizing Reimbursement of Training and Travel Expenses for Director Souza.pdf2019-57 Authorizing General Manager to Facilitate Water and Energy Efficent Grants BOR-DO-20-F001.pdf2019-56 Authorizing General Manager to Execute a Construction Contract with Caggiano General Engineering.pdf2019-55 Authorizing an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Nexgen.pdf2019-54 Adopting Board Policies Required by SDLF for District Transparency Certificate of Excellence.pdf2019-53 SDLF for the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence-Board Meeting Conduct.pdf2019-52 SLDF for the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence-Brown Act Compliance.pdf2019-51 Authorizing District Membership in the Coalition for Fire Protection and Accountability.pdf2019-50 Approving Plans and Specifications for the 2018 Main Canal Reliability Project and Authorizing the Solicitation of Bids.pdf2019-49 Increasing FY 2019-20 Operating Budget to Fund New Sampling Requirements.pdf2019-48 Extending the Purchasing Agreement with Pace Supply for FY 2019-20.pdf2019-47 Accepting Completion and Filing Notice for the Recoating of the Garden Park Water Storage Tank Project.pdf2019-46 Authorizing Amendment No. 3 to NEXGEN PSA .pdf2019-45 Adopting a Revised Legislative Policy.pdf2019-44 Authorizing Bid for Treated Water Line Replacement.pdf2019-43 Recognizing Rick Gillespie.pdf2019-42 Setting FY2019-20 Prop 4 Appropriations Limitation.pdf2019-41 Adopting the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan.pdf2019-40 Approving the FY2019-2020 Annual Budget.pdf2019-39 Approving Amendment 4 to PSA with George Sanders.pdf2019-38 Nominating GM to ACWA Region 3 Board.pdf2019-37 Adopting Updated Wastewater Rates and Fees2019-36 Authorizing PSA with Tyler Technologies for Accounting Software2019-35 Authorizing Purchase of Tractor Loader from PAPE2019-34 Authorizing Amendment 2 to PSA with NEXGEN Utility Management Inc.2019-33 Setting a Date for Prop 4 Hearing.pdf2019-32 Closing Out Water Line Extension.pdf2019-31 Closing Out Spanish Dry Diggins.pdf2019-30 Closing Out Kelsey South.pdf2019-29 Closing Out Greenwood.pdf2019-28 Closing Out Cool Cherry Acres.pdf2019-27 Closing Out Bayne Road.pdf2019-26 Authorizing Directors Attendance at ACWA 2019 Spring Conference.pdf2019-25 Confirming Appointments to the Finance Committee.pdf2019-24 Confirming Appointments to the Finance Committee.pdf2019-23 Approving Directors' Attendance at GFOA Training.pdf2019-22 Approving 2019 Irrigation Applications.pdf2019-21 Adopting Board Goals for 2019-2020.pdf2019-20 Declaring the 2019 Projected Water Year.pdf2019-19 Approving Use of Walton Lake for 2019 Kids Fishing Derby.pdf2019-18 Approving Director Garcia's Attendance at CSDA Legislative Days2019-17 Approving Change Order Authority Increase for ALTWTPP.pdf2019-16 Approving CSDA Leadership Academy Reimbursements.pdf2019-15 Awarding Construction Contract for Garden Park Tank Recoating.pdf2019-14 Freezing Treated and Irrigation Water Rates.pdf2019-13 Authorizing Amendment to Nexgen PSA .pdf2019-12 Approving CSDA Workshop Reimbursement.pdf2019-11 Accepting the Resignations of Directors Garcia and Saunders from Finance Committee.pdf2019-10 Accepting Completion and Directing Filing of NOC for WCSREP Project.pdf2019-09 Nominating a Representative to LAFCO.pdf2019-08 Authorizing Change of Bank Signatory Authority.pdf2019-07 Closing Out Water Line Extension.pdf2019-06 Closing Out Spanish Dry Diggins.pdf2019-05 Closing Out Kelsey South.pdf2019-04 Closing Out Greenwood.pdf2019-03 Closing Out Cool Cherry Acres.pdf2019-02 Closing Out Bayne Road.pdf2019-01 Approving AB 1600 Development Impact Fee Report.pdf