Apply for the Low Income Assistance Program (LIRA)
The LIRA Program, established by the Board of Directors on December 13, 2018, has awarded $12,186 to eligible customers, and expects to close out the fiscal year with a total award amount of $15,702. The program provides a 25% discount on your Base Service Charge for qualified customers. Funding is limited. For information, contact the District Office at (530) 333-4356, or download the application from the GDPUD website.
Program qualifications:
- You must be a residential customer and receive treated water service from the District.
- The Georgetown Divide Public Utility District bill must be in your name. *You must live at the address where the discount will be received. *Your household must 1. Participate in the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) with Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE), or 2. Meet LIRA income limits.
- You must notify the Georgetown Divide Public Utility District if your household no longer qualifies for the PGE program. *At the time of enrollment you must provide a copy of your PGE bill reflecting your discount for the CARE program, or provide proper income documentation for all household members.
- You must submit for renewal each year. Eligibility is renewed annually in June. (providing funding available)
Download application here:
Low Income Rate Assistance Program Application 2024 FILLABLE.pdfPlease email your application and all supporting documents to You may also mail documents to PO Box 4240, Georgetown CA 95634.
Policy 2180 Low Income Assistance Program.pdfView the 2024 Federal Poverty Guidelines here:
El Dorado County Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)
The new federal Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) provides financial assistance to low-income Californians to help manage their residential water utility costs. Established by Congress in December 2020, this federally funded program helps low-income households pay down their outstanding residential water or wastewater bills. California has been allocated $116 million in one-time funding to provide LIHWAP assistance.
The Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) is the designated administering agency for LIHWAP in California. Through LIHWAP, CSD works with a network of community-based local service providers to help low-income households pay down their outstanding residential water and wastewater utility bills.
For more information about how LIHWAP can help your household pay down your past due water or wastewater bills and how to apply visit LIHWAP Find Assistance.
EDCHEAP-WaterAssistance_08-30-22_5.5x8.5_postcard (003).pdf