2022 Resolutions
2022 Resolution Log2022-01 Resolution Election of Officers 2022.pdf2022-02 Staff Appreciation.pdf2022-03 Adopting FY 2021-2022 Strategic Plan.pdf2022-04 Approving Omania PSA-.pdf2022-05 Approving Darrell Creeks PSA.pdf2022-06 Appointing Representative and Alternate to JPIA.pdf2022-07 Authorizing Grant Application DWR 2021 UMDR Grant Program.pdf2022-08 Authorizing Teleconference Meetings February 2022.pdf2022-09 Reinstatement of Shut-off Policy.pdf2022-10 Appointment of Public Member to Irrigation Committee.pdf2022-11 Appointmentof Public Member to Finance Committee.pdf2022-12 Appointing Alternate to the E; Dorado Water Agency Board.pdf2022-13 Authorizing Submittal of CalFire Grant.pdf2022-14 Conducting Meetings by Teleconference.pdf2022-15 Creating a Retired Annuitant - Limited Term position.pdf2022-16 Authorizing PSA LSL CPAs.pdf2022-17 Apt of Public Member to Finance Committee.pdf2022-18_Apt of Public Member to Irrigation Committee.pdf2022-19 Authorizing Teleconference Meetings per AB361.pdf2022-20 Approving Expense Reimbursement for ACWA Spring Conference. SIGNED.pdf2022-21 Kids Fishing Derby 2022.pdf2022-22 Approving Amendment to Policy 2021-1012 Role and Responsibilities of the Finance Committee, Membership SIGNED.pdf2022-23 Approving Annual Fund Transfer.pdf2022-24 Approving Projected Water Year.pdf2022-25 Approving Applications for the 2022 Irrigation Season.pdf2022-26 Approving RFP for ALT Paving Project.pdf2022-29 Authorizing Teleconference Meetings May 2022.pdf2022-27 Approving PSA for Asset Management Software.pdf2022-28 Authorizing WaterSMART Grant Application.pdf2022-29 Authorizing Teleconference Meetings May 2022.pdf2022-30 MOU American River Watershed Survey.pdf2022-31 Declaring a Consolidated General Election.pdf2022-32 Changing the November Reg Meeting Date.pdf
2022-33-Public Hearing for Proposition 4 Appropriations Limit Date VOID
2022-34 Authorizing Teleconference Meetings June 2022 APPROVED.pdf2022-35 Authorizing Teleconference Meetings July 2022 SIGNED.pdf2022-36 Approving FY 22-23 Budget SIGNED.pdf2022-37 Approving CIP SIGNED.pdf2022-38 Approve Level 2 Emergency Water Conservation SIGNED.pdf2022-39 Approve Capital Facilities Charges SIGNED.pdf2022-40 Approve Meter Installation Fees SIGNED.pdf2022-41 Approving Bennett Engineering PSA SIGNED.pdf2022-42 RFQ for CEQA Consulting Services SIGNED.pdf2022-43 Approving Participation in 4th of July Parade SIGNED.pdf2022-44 Authorizing Teleconference Meetings August 2022.pdf2022-45 CSDA Leadership Academy Conference.pdf2022-46 Sierra Asphalt-ALT Paving Project.pdf2022-47 Establishing Appropriations Limit Amount.pdf2022-48 ACWA Fall Conf Expense Reimbursement Approval.pdf2022-49 Authorizing Teleconference Meetings September 2022.pdf2022-50 WaterDemand_WSCP_Public Outreach.pdf2022-51 Conflict of Interest Code.pdf2022-52 Authorizing RFQ for Legal Counsel Services..pdf2022-53 PSA Bennett Engineering Services.pdf2022-54 PSA for audit services MAZE and Associates.pdf2022-55_WSCP Response Action.pdf2022-56 Authorizing Teleconference Meetings October 2022.pdf2022-57 Affirming Employment Agreement with Nicholas Schneider w_ATT.pdf2022-58 Change of Bank Signatory Authority.pdf2022-59 Accept John Duarte Resignation from Irrigation Committee.pdf2022-60 Accepting Resignation of Bonnie Neely from Finance Committee.pdf2022-61 Apts to Irrigation Committee - Duarte and Todd.pdf2022-62 PSA ECORP Consulting Services.pdf2022-63 Authorizing Teleconference Meetings November 2022.pdf2022-64 Declaring a Local Emergency.pdf2022-65 Irrigation Committee Policy.pdf2022-66 Approving Surplus List.pdf2022-67 Accept Marilyn Boehnke Resignation from Finance Committee & Proclamation.pdf2022-68 Aprove MCWRA_ACWA Sponsorship.pdf2022-69 Amending Policy 1012.01 Remove Exhibit A Finance Committee Conceptual Timeline.pdf2022-70 Authorizing Teleconference Meetings December 2022.pdf2022-71 Approve RFP for Financial Advisory Services FINAL.pdf2022-72 Approve Sloan Sakai HR Comp and Staffing Study.pdf2022-73 Approve Reissuance of RFQ for Legal Counsel.pdf2022-74 Approving Policy for Standing Committees.pdf2022-75 Accept Stoffregen Resignation from Finance Committee.pdf2022-76 ATT2_Job Description - Executive Assistant.pdf2022-77 Approve Grant Writer.pdf2022-78 MCWA Statement of Interest.pdf2022-79 Acceptance of Easement.pdf2022-80 Accepting Results of General Election.pdf2022-81 Change of Signatory Authority.pdf2022-82 Authorizing Teleconference Meetings January 2023.pdf2022-83 Appoint M. Martha Helak ro the Finance Committee.pdf2022-83 Appoint M. Martha Helak to the Finance Committee2022-85 Approve Regional Water Authority Membership.pdf2022-86 Approve California Municipal Utilities Association Membership.pdf2022-87 Approve Community Water Systems Alliance Membership.pdf2022-88 Draft FRQ for Federal Advocacy Services.pdf2022-89 Authrize RFP Water Transfer.pdf2022-90 Approve Request for Bids for Paving Services.pdf2022-91 Approving Surplus List.pdf