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Board Meetings

The GDPUD Board of Directors meets on the first Thursday of each month. Unless otherwise notified,  meetings are held in the District office located at 6425 Main St, Georgetown, and start at 2:00 PM.

How to Submit Written Public Comment

Written public comment submissions should be received by noon on the day of the meeting. All written comments received will be distributed to the Board, identified as written public comment for the applicable agenda item(s), and made available for inspection upon request, but will not be read aloud during the meeting. Unless otherwise exempt, please note that personal information provided in communications may be subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act.

•       By Email: Send your comment to [].

•       By Mail: Address your comment to the Clerk of the Board, 6425 Main Street, Georgetown, CA 95634

Please state the meeting date and agenda item number(s) your public comment(s) apply to. For further information, please contact the Clerk of the Board at [].

MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS WEBSITE: Please note that the material on this website is provided as a courtesy to the public and may not include all documents distributed to the Georgetown Divide Public Utilities Board (GDPUD) pertaining to a particular agenda item. The complete packet of material prepared by GDPUD staff for each agenda item will be available for public inspection at the meeting, and any material prepared by other persons and presented to the Board will be available after the meeting.