Finance Advisory Committee Special
This will be a Special Meeting of the Finance Committee, commencing at 10:00 a.m.
NOTICE: This meeting will be held in person in the Board room of the Georgetown Divide Public Utility District office, located at 6425 Main Street in Georgetown. This meeting will be open to all members of the public. As a courtesy, and technology permitting, the public may also choose to observe and participate via video conference. In the event of a disruption to Zoom for any reason, Zoom may be disabled, and remote participation may be suspended or eliminated without notice. Remote participants are encouraged to attend in person rather than via Zoom to ensure their opportunity to participate in the meeting. Zoom is a courtesy to the public, but the District cannot guarantee against any interruption or disruption of the meeting to Zoom participants.
Meeting ID: 847 7889 3610 and Passcode: 728879 or via teleconference by Calling 1-669-900-6833. Please note that any person attending via teleconference will be sharing the phone number from which they call with the Committee and the public.
How to Submit Written Public Comment
Written public comment submissions should be received by noon on the day of the meeting. All written comments received will be distributed to the Committee, identified as written public comment for the applicable agenda item(s), and made available for inspection upon request, but will not be read aloud during the meeting. Unless otherwise exempt, please note that personal information provided in communications may be subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act.
• By Email: Send your comment to
• By Mail: Address your comment to the Clerk of the Board, 6425 Main Street, Georgetown, CA 95634
Please state the meeting date and agenda item number(s) to which your public comment(s) apply. For further information, please contact the Clerk of the Board at