Cost-of-Service and Rate Analysis
Georgetown Divide Public Utility District (GDPUD) is a self-funding, community-owned water utility, created to provide safe, reliable drinking water to the communities of the Divide. The water services are funded by customer rate revenue to pay for operating and maintaining the system (labor, supplies, and electricity costs), as well as projects to rehabilitate all of the infrastructure, and other investments. In addition, for a financially resilient system, rates also go toward debt service to pay back loans and help with reserves to make sure GDPUD can respond and fund unforeseen circumstances.
Development of the Cost of Service Analysis utilized inputs, provided at the bottom of this page, to establish the cost of water service. The process included open meetings with the public and the Board of Directors which are archived herein for reference.
The Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued on February 1st, 2024. The District received two bids in response to the RFP.
GDPUD_RFP Water_Wastewater Rate Study.pdfGeorgetown Divide PUD_NBS Proposal for Water & Wastewater Cost of Service Analysis and Rate Study Feb 2024.pdfWRE Proposal-GDPUD Cost of Service Analysis & Rate Study.pdf
GDPUD Water and ALT Zone Cost-of-Service and Rate StudyFinal Report -2024
Georgetown Divide PUD Water and ALT Zone Rate Study Report Final.pdfThe District’s existing water rate structure was developed in a 2017 study, and the existing ALT Zone rate structure was developed in a 2019 study. The District engaged Water Resources Economics, LLC (WRE) in 2024 to conduct a comprehensive Water and ALT Zone Cost-of-Service and Rate Study, which included the following objectives, available in the report above.
- Project a five-year financial plan to meet financial performance targets for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 through FY 2029.
- Conduct a cost-of-service analysis based on the operating budget, capital improvement plan (CIP), and customer data to equitably allocate costs to the District’s customers.
- Evaluate potential water and ALT Zone rate structure changes to meet the District’s policy objectives.
- Develop a five-year water and ALT Zone rate schedule for FY 2025 through FY 2029, with implementation in January of each year.
Meetings and Materials
2024_05_02 Regular Board Meeting Presentation
2024_05_02 Water Resource Economics Presentation Water and Wastewater Rate Study2024_07_10 Board Meeting Finacial Plan Presentation
2024_07_10 GDPUD Board Meeting Finacial Plan Presentation2024_08_13 Special Board Meeting Water Rate Analysis Presentation
2024_08_13 GDPUD Coast Of Service Presentation, Draft Water and Wastewater Rates2024_08_14 Town Hall Water Rate Analysis Presentation
2024_08_14 GDPUD Town Hall Cost of Service Presentation, Draft Water and Wastewater Rates2024_08_15 Town Hall Water Rate Analysis Presentation
2024_08_15 GDPUD Town Hall Cost of Service Presentation, Draft Water and Wastewater Rates2024_08_22 Finance Committee Water Rate Analysis Review
2024_09_05 Board of Directors Analysis Review, and Community Feedback Considerations
2024_09_17 Irrigation Committee Irrigation Rate Analysis Review
2024_09_24 ALT Water and Wastewater Rates Town Hall
ALT Town Hall FLYER.pdf2024_09_24 ALT Town Hall Presentation Draft Wastewater Rates.pdf2024_10_03 Board Meeting Recieve Final Report
GDPUD Water and ALT Zone Cost of Service and Rate Study Presentation Board Meeting 10-03-24 -pdf2024_11_07_2024 Regular Board Meeting Water Rate Analysis Review and Discussion
2024_11_18 Special Board Meeting Water Rate Scenarios Review and Discussion
Georgetown Divide PUD Water Rate Scenarios 11-18-24 .pdf2024_11_21 Special Finance Committee Fiscal Review
Inputs Utilized to Develop the Cost of Service Analysis
FY24-25 Adopted Operating Budget Report.pdfFY25 CIP Budget 03.19.24.pdfKASL Water System Reliability ReportGDPUD Compensation Survey Final.pdf
Contact the District with inquiries regarding the Proposition 218 process below.