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Sweetwater Treatment Plant Replacement

Sweetwater Treatment Plant Replacement

GDPUD operates two water treatment plants. The Walton Lake plant, serving Georgetown, Garden Valley and a portion of Greenwood was built in 1974. The Sweetwater plant, serving Cool, Pilot Hill, Cherry Acres, Meadow View Acres and a portion of Greenwood, was built in 1971.

Project Background

In February 2004, the CA State Dept of Public Health issued an order to GDPUD to modify or replace the treatment process at both plants. The Walton plant was upgraded in 2007. The District advised the Dept Public Health that a new treatment plant would need to be built.

The District's decision to replace the Plant considered multiple factors including:

  • Age, condition, and design of the current plant made retrofit a feasible, cost-effective solution to provide for current and future Divide community needs plus meet local, state, and federal requirements.  Ability to continue to deliver treated water to Divide customers during the project period.

In 2010, the project was estimated at $10 Million and the project was put out to bid in 2013. Four bids were received with a range of $10,837,300 to $12,072,084. However, due to unfavorable economic conditions, the Board deferred starting the project. 

Recent Actions

In 2015 the estimated cost of the project was reviewed and revised to $12 Million.

On May 28, 2015, the GDPUD Board of Directors decided to move forward with the project and approved a 20-year loan in the amount of $10,000,000 from the State for the construction of the  treatment plant

  • Current loan interest rate = 1.663 %
  • To qualify for the Loan, the District needs to demonstrate the ability to meet loan payments
  • An EPA grant of $1.4 million plus reserve funds will make up the remaining costs

On June 9, 2015, after review of loan repayment options, the GDPUD Board of Directors approved a motion to repay the loan with a flat-rate method supplemental charge

  • $181 per year per connection for the 1st 10 years
  • $164 per year per connection for years 11-20
  • Yr 1-10 allocations increased to meet State loan reserve requirements

On September 14, 2015, after hearing and considering oral, written materials, and written protests the Board accepted and closed the Prop218 process associated with the supplemental charge to repay the 20-year loan.